Thursday, March 31, 2011
catch me if you can
this one, promoting me and a worthy cause...
on facebook, here, here and here...
but not here:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
supermoon nuttiness
i hope yours is going much better than mine is. i feel cold, and i am extremely irritable..i kind of want to rip the face off LML but i'm sure he feels the same way.i ran my errands this morning and couldn't seem to shake this feeling of crankiness. i figured it HAS to be a result of the supermoon, which is blinding me at this very minute. LML suggested i remove the alias from my book and put it under my I did.
Check me out here.
i figured there are things i need to get going; please be prepared because i believe this list is ridiculous:
*i need a scanner to help me with some of my book ideas
*need to get the ball rolling with my GIVEAWAY
*i'd like to interview inspiring people within the community
*i need to get back to my freelancing position ;)
*my blog? i need tabs, and maybe an interesting but clean backdrop. generally, blog help?!
*i need a publisher to recognize i have so many book ideas i've never seen anywhere before that they should just sign me.
*i need to take a cooking class, writing class, and i'd like to go into graphic design.
*oh yeah, #1- finish and self publish all children's stories- and fictional stories *this should take about a year or longer by myself*
*i need a vacation to get this all done.
*perhaps an IPad i can take wherever i need to/have to go.
*i need to market or somehow publicize my books... check them out (and follow!) here and here.- finish entering my list of writing contests
oh, but my happiest news?!MY FOLLOWERS! I LOVE Y'ALL!
on this blog of mine, i am hoping to include a few giveaways with them soon once i get the above list done!
anyone know a way to help me? you lovely bloggers have much more expertise in this stuff than i do